Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Planetary Intelligence--Tips for Making It Work for You.

The number one question people ask about Planetary Intelligence is "How do I get it to work for me"? While everyone has to connect to planetary intelligence in their own way, the easiest way to access our larger awareness is to slow down and let events in your life take more time. That's right: let things take more time. If you do this, you have a greater chance of listening to the quiet voices of planetary intelligence. The voices are not like the loud voices of our rational mind. Instead they are subtle and fleeting, though immensely important for us. Just because the intelligence is quiet, doesn't mean it is conveying less valuable information. So take time to listen to the voices of your body, nature, and other animals, be they pets or those in the wild. Listening to the voices of quiet intelligence increases the likelihood that the magic of self-organization and spontaneous awareness will begin to take place in your life.
This type of thinking has spawned the so-called "Slow Movement:" people around the world committed to slowing down their lives. To read more see In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honore .


LesleyinNM said...

I thought I was the blog queen, but with 2 new blogs you are off to a great start!

Simeon Hein, Ph. D. said...

Thanks Leslie. Stay in touch.