During my most recent trip to the British crop circles last July, I encountered yet another weird story involving a ball of light around a crop formation. This case involves the star-like formation at Chute Causeway that was reported on July 30th. According to some of the farmer's children, they went out the morning after the formation appeared in their fields to take a look. Walking along the edge of the field they saw what they described as a “glowing, silver orb” amongst a gap in the trees and above a wood pile at the far edge of the field, about a quarter-mile away. It appeared to bob up and down for half an hour or so and then vanished. They described it as being very bright and beach-ball sized. Going out to the location a little later, they could find no trace of the orb.
What does it mean? I don't know exactly, but it may indicate that humans are not the only observers of crop circles. Perhaps other non-physical entities also find these field patterns of interest and stop by to take a look from time to time. Another possibility is that the glowing orbs seen near crop formations are in some way part of the energetic constellation of the formation itself. While we tend to focus on the crop pattern, perhaps we should also focus our attention on the pattern's surroundings including the standing crop, landscape, and particular features of the area.
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