Monday, October 1, 2007

Turkish "UFO"--What in the world is this?

If you are looking for new and old UFO videos, YouTube is always a plus. I recently came across this short video, apparently filmed in Turkey, of what appear to be an object or objects made of glowing plasmas. We first see the object ensconced in tree branches in a forest, and then a few minutes later, the objects goes aloft. It reminds me of what a flying dragon of yore might look like. I can't help but think how similar this object, with its shimmering, glowing qualities, is to balls of light seen near crop circles. Are they connected in some way? Is this object alive? If you know of some obvious explanation of what this is, I'd be glad to hear it. Otherwise, I'm calling this a "balls of light apparition" for lack of better understanding.

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