Monday, February 11, 2008

Stephenville, TX UFO Sightings--See Video and Hear the Eyewitnesses

The recent UFO sitings in Stephenville, TX and surrounding areas caused quite a stir and drew some media attention. Witnesses described seeing a very large craft, as large as one mile across, smaller lights, and jets in hot pursuit. The Air Force offers no explanation except to say that they had 10 F-16s in the area that night. But they didn't say anything about the very large object. What the videos below show us is that the sitings have been happening for weeks. What we see from video tape is one of objects that rapidly moves and loops around in the sky. Could this filmed object be an experimental military vehicle? Sure, but what about the very large object that blocked out stars, according to witnesses, moved rapidly, as fast as thousands of miles and hour, and then came to a complete stop over the area before zipping away? Perhaps our test vehicles drew the unexpected attention of other visitors.

UFO Series Part 1 | KIII TV3 | Local News
UFO Series Part 2 | KIII TV3 | Local News
UFO Series Part 3 | KIII TV3 | Local News

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