Friday, August 8, 2008

ET Bases in Alaska? What Remote Viewing Tells Us About UFOs and ETs. -- SSE Conference 6/08

Here is my presentation to the Society for Scientific Exploration Conference June 26th, 2008 in Boulder. I review the various ways remote viewing has been used to learn about UFOs and other so-called "anomalous" targets including the military/Stanford Research Institute RV era, post-military civilian projects, and UFO crash retrievals. Much of this is "exploratory research" where we attempt to identify some of the essential elements of what we're dealing with. Some of the people asking questions at the end, including Russ Targ, didn't quite get this as they suggest that remote viewing, in the absence of randomized, "double-blind" protocols might "just" be a form of mind-reading. Just mind-reading? Well, if the viewers can read my mind they can just as easily go to the target site for themselves. This type of reasoning attempts to explain away one type of admittedly "weird" psychic phenomena with another type of equally weird psychic process. How does "mind-reading" work exactly anyway and is it all that different from RV? It's all resonance to me!

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