Monday, November 5, 2007
New Robert Dean UFO Interviews
Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean is a key witness for the existence of extraterrestrial and UFO activity on Earth. Serving with the U.S. army in NATO headquarters in Paris in the 1960's, Dean came across a classified book and supporting materials that clearly documented different species of extraterrestrials that were known by the military to be on and around our planet. See his amazing testimony in three video segments presented at Project Camelot investigations.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Turkish "UFO"--What in the world is this?
If you are looking for new and old UFO videos, YouTube is always a plus. I recently came across this short video, apparently filmed in Turkey, of what appear to be an object or objects made of glowing plasmas. We first see the object ensconced in tree branches in a forest, and then a few minutes later, the objects goes aloft. It reminds me of what a flying dragon of yore might look like. I can't help but think how similar this object, with its shimmering, glowing qualities, is to balls of light seen near crop circles. Are they connected in some way? Is this object alive? If you know of some obvious explanation of what this is, I'd be glad to hear it. Otherwise, I'm calling this a "balls of light apparition" for lack of better understanding.
Friday, August 31, 2007
The Rise of the Boltzmann Brains and Balls of Light
A recent article in New Scientist discussed the possible existence of a weird-type of entity: the Boltzmann Brain. This hypothetical entity is thought to exist in our future universe where the accelerating inflation of space has created near infinite amounts of cold, dark space. Physical matter is getting farther and farther apart as the universe expands. The cosmological constant or vacuum energy—the fundamental repulsive force of matter of empty space—causes this continuous universal expansion. In the distant future, physical matter, including us, would become increasingly rare. In such a universe, would there be any intelligent life? According to cosmologists, such a universe would eventually be filled with any number of non-material intelligences, brains without bodies, called Boltzmann Brains, named after the Austrian scientist who developed our modern idea of entropy and the topic we're discussing here. In fact, if the universe keeps expanding, eventually, in about twenty billion years, Boltzmann Brains will eventually appear and in trillions of years outnumber human or other physical brains in our universe. Non-physical intelligence will be omnipresent and physical brains rare.
What does this have to do with crop circles? Well, I've sometimes wondered whether the balls of light that we see around crop circles are a coming attraction for Boltzmann Brains of the future. Are these plasmas, if that's what the are, an example of non-physical intelligence? It's just speculation on my part, but they do seem to be under intelligence control and have a proclivity for crop formations. Perhaps they indicate an underlying order in the universe; one that transcends matter and connects both the physical and the non-physical universe. Or, are crop formations generating some sort of non-physical energy field that in turn generates these balls of light. Do crop formations create intelligence? The possibilities are endless.
Other new research in the form of computer simulations at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany suggests that spiral patterns can create organized life out of simple dust. These dust spirals look like DNA and have all the properties of life including reproduction and information exchange. From this perspective, some crop formations, to the extent that they organize space in a spiral form, could be seen as the precursors to life.
What does this have to do with crop circles? Well, I've sometimes wondered whether the balls of light that we see around crop circles are a coming attraction for Boltzmann Brains of the future. Are these plasmas, if that's what the are, an example of non-physical intelligence? It's just speculation on my part, but they do seem to be under intelligence control and have a proclivity for crop formations. Perhaps they indicate an underlying order in the universe; one that transcends matter and connects both the physical and the non-physical universe. Or, are crop formations generating some sort of non-physical energy field that in turn generates these balls of light. Do crop formations create intelligence? The possibilities are endless.
Other new research in the form of computer simulations at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany suggests that spiral patterns can create organized life out of simple dust. These dust spirals look like DNA and have all the properties of life including reproduction and information exchange. From this perspective, some crop formations, to the extent that they organize space in a spiral form, could be seen as the precursors to life.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Glowing, Silver Orb Seen Near Crop Circle

During my most recent trip to the British crop circles last July, I encountered yet another weird story involving a ball of light around a crop formation. This case involves the star-like formation at Chute Causeway that was reported on July 30th. According to some of the farmer's children, they went out the morning after the formation appeared in their fields to take a look. Walking along the edge of the field they saw what they described as a “glowing, silver orb” amongst a gap in the trees and above a wood pile at the far edge of the field, about a quarter-mile away. It appeared to bob up and down for half an hour or so and then vanished. They described it as being very bright and beach-ball sized. Going out to the location a little later, they could find no trace of the orb.
What does it mean? I don't know exactly, but it may indicate that humans are not the only observers of crop circles. Perhaps other non-physical entities also find these field patterns of interest and stop by to take a look from time to time. Another possibility is that the glowing orbs seen near crop formations are in some way part of the energetic constellation of the formation itself. While we tend to focus on the crop pattern, perhaps we should also focus our attention on the pattern's surroundings including the standing crop, landscape, and particular features of the area.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Opening Minds makes it to the top of Amazon list
Over time, I've noticed more and more support for Opening Minds from an ever widening audience. Recently, Rupert O., hailing from New Mexico, posted a list on of his favorite crop circle books and calendars: Opening Minds made it to fourth place out of twenty-five other products. According to Rupert, it's "one of the best books I've read on crop circle phenomena, suggesting enlightened humans, not aliens are at work here." No argument with that.
And now that the Opening Minds audio book is finished, don't forget to listen to samples on the audio book web page. There are excerpts from the book, radio and TV interviews, channeling, and original music.
And now that the Opening Minds audio book is finished, don't forget to listen to samples on the audio book web page. There are excerpts from the book, radio and TV interviews, channeling, and original music.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Art Bell Crop Circle Interview Posted on YouTube
Recently, someone posted a "video" of my November, 2003 interview with Art Bell, on YouTube -- actually it's an audio recording of the interview with a photo montage/slide show of crop circles superimposed on top. You can see (hear) the interviews on AOL's video pages and on YouTube where they originally appeared. The interview appears to have been broken down to eleven segments. You might remember this interview as the one where Art, in the last hour of the show, called Michael Glickman in England to debate me about whether humans can make complex crop circles. It was a memorable interview. especially the part where I asked Michael if he would ever consider witnessing people making a crop circle (he refused that idea and even Art was bewildered by his response) and has been rebroadcast on Coast to Coast AM at least once.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Opening Minds Audio Book will be here soon
It's here! After many requests, and months of production, I have finished creating an audio version of Opening Minds in MP3 format that works on any computer, MP3 player, and some MP3-ready CD units. With the Opening Minds Audio Book you can experience all the thrills and chills of Opening Minds, more than 5 hours of audio, complete with an original sound track full of Simeon songs and special sound effects. Feel the excitement of remote viewing sessions, crop circles, alien encounters and much more. The CD also contains bonuses such as channeling sessions, radio and TV interviews, new music with Elisa Brown, the complete Opening Minds e-book, and original crop circle photos of the 2006 Math Matrix. You will experience all the sights and sounds of Opening Minds on your journey of crop circles, resonance, and extraordinary encounters. Coming in early July. You can pre-order your copy here for $24.95. The first 100 CD copies will be signed and numbered. The complete package of both the audio and softcover books bundled together will also be available.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Energy from the Vacuum -- New DVD on Zero-Point, Free-Energy Machines
I've just watched a marvelous, must-see, new DVD on zero-point energy, Energy from the Vacuum. Zero-point energy is radiant or negative energy, that which plentifully fills "empty" space throughout the universe. The DVD, produced by Tony Craddock and filmed by William Gazecki, features Tom Bearden and other inventors explaining how we can tap the zero-point field with devices that could potentially meet all our energy needs. Bearden and others, in addition to detailed explanations about what zero-point or vacuum energy is and how to tap it, discuss devices and inventors from the recent past whose over-unity machines never became widely known about for any number of reasons. Bearden et al. give a straight-forward presentation here that is easy to understand and highly credible. The film also covers the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, or MEG for short, that Bearden and others are working on right now. The MEG is an "over-unity" device, or so-called "free-energy machine" that, using carefully tuned coils and crystalline substances, produces more electricity than is put into it. The MEG and other similar devices have the potential to render fossil fuels obsolete in the near future. Watching this DVD showed me the interconnectedness of so many of the topics that we discuss here and in other Opening Minds forums. I highly recommend Energy from the Vacuum for its sheer educational and instructional value.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Welcome to the UFO Academy
Come with us on a journey into the unknown. Venture to the edge of a new reality. Our society has yet to seriously address the issue of UFOs and ETs. We can either continue to run away from the topic or we can shed light on them. Because of a high interest level in remote viewing, crop circle sciences, and zero-point energy, the Mount Baldy Press, Inc., is starting a series of lectures, seminars, and forums devoted to subjects surrounding the UFO and ET phenomena. To interact with the ETs requires a high level of empathic self-understanding, before we collectively meet them as a society. Our seminars will aid in informing and educating open-minded persons about these fascinating and complex issues. The challenge of contact requires us to have all our "wits about us" and to be up to speed on the latest science. The UFO Academy will offer lectures and classes to help us with this momentous effort. More information can be found at .
Monday, March 26, 2007
Three-State Remote Viewing Tour Starting Soon
Want to increase your resonant frequency? Starting at the end of April, I will be teaching the beginning Approach remote viewing class in Idaho, Utah, and Colorado. The Idaho class will be held in Coeur d'Alene, April 27th-29th, and Salt Lake City May 4th - 6th. A mini-seminar will held on May 19th in the afternoon in Denver at the Metro State Cryptoscience Society. In the beginning class, you will learn to remotely sense nonlocal or distant people, places, and objects. You will be able to sense information pertaining to shapes, colors, textures, sizes, and more. See for more information.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Opening Minds makes it to the top of Google and Amazon search lists/Latest podcast interview
Thanks to all of you out there, Opening Minds has now reached the number five position on searches for the words "Opening Minds" on Google. And for first time ranks #1 on Amazon for the same search words--it used be much lower in the list of "Opening Minds" books with similar names.
To hear my latest interview (Feb. '07) visit Magick Mind Radio. In this interview with Ed Kraft, we discuss a whole range of topics in remote viewing, crop circles, and related topics. Ed also features full cuts of some of my guitar songs at the beginning of the interview. Thanks Ed!
To hear my latest interview (Feb. '07) visit Magick Mind Radio. In this interview with Ed Kraft, we discuss a whole range of topics in remote viewing, crop circles, and related topics. Ed also features full cuts of some of my guitar songs at the beginning of the interview. Thanks Ed!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Opening Minds audio book now in production
For those of you Opening Minds fans, I've started recording an audio version of the book. I'm writing some original music for the score, and will also include earlier music from my CDs. It's quite an experience to reread some of the alien encounters from my fellow remote viewers at Farsight. See my recent comments posted at the Planetary Intelligence blog. The Opening Minds audio book will eventually be available on iTunes with the original pictures from the print version. More to follow.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
The Recent UFO Flap-Preview of Coming Attractions
If you listened to the news recently, you might be aware of a sharp rise in recent UFO sightings. Its seems that UFO sightings come in flaps. There was a return of the lights over Phoenix, a phenomena that first began in 1997. A UFO was seen over O"Hare airport in Chicago. It moved straight upward and left a hole in a cloud. And Sun Shili, a retired Chinese foreign ministry official , (see came forward and said that extraterrestrials are already walking among us. He also gave evidence of sightings and ET contact cases in China.
It seems as if the UFO phenomena is always pushing up against our prevailing world-view: that we are the top species on the planet. We make this assumption without even thinking about other possibilities. Perhaps there are other intelligent species who live inside the planet before we were here. Are we related to them in some way? Wherever they come from, it's clear that they operate with technology far more sophisticated than our own. They don't stay around very long to make more formal communications with us, at least not in a way we understand. But they do show up with sometimes intense levels of concentrated activity.
I expect that one day, the levels of UFO activity will be so high, that we will have to take a collective look at the phenomena. Our media and national leaders will be forced to discuss what it all means. We don't know when that day will be, but I don't feel that it is very far off in the future.
It seems as if the UFO phenomena is always pushing up against our prevailing world-view: that we are the top species on the planet. We make this assumption without even thinking about other possibilities. Perhaps there are other intelligent species who live inside the planet before we were here. Are we related to them in some way? Wherever they come from, it's clear that they operate with technology far more sophisticated than our own. They don't stay around very long to make more formal communications with us, at least not in a way we understand. But they do show up with sometimes intense levels of concentrated activity.
I expect that one day, the levels of UFO activity will be so high, that we will have to take a collective look at the phenomena. Our media and national leaders will be forced to discuss what it all means. We don't know when that day will be, but I don't feel that it is very far off in the future.
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