Hi Folks. In order to better serve your need for high-quality information about all our favorite topics, I am integrating my websites and blogs into one new site: Crystal Blue Mind.
There you will find updates, links, and many of the posts contained here reposted in this blog. Crystal Blue Mind is dedicated towards our continual evolution, at home, and also within the galactic community. Topics posted will be broader than in the Opening Minds Nebula and will be linked to a bulletin board . All my new posts will take place at this new site. Let me know what you think.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How Crop Circles Work, Part 6--Scientific Explanation
This is the most scientifically rigorous part of the crop circle videos I recently posted on YouTube. These ideas may explain why crop circles continue to exhibit weird electro-magnetic effects on our equipment.
See all seven parts of the lecture at CropCircleScience.com
See all seven parts of the lecture at CropCircleScience.com
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Crop Circles in the British News--Video
Nifty news report about the crop circles from News 4, British TV.
This video is very informative. Click Here to Read Story and Watch .
This video is very informative. Click Here to Read Story and Watch .
Friday, August 8, 2008
ET Bases in Alaska? What Remote Viewing Tells Us About UFOs and ETs. -- SSE Conference 6/08
Here is my presentation to the Society for Scientific Exploration Conference June 26th, 2008 in Boulder. I review the various ways remote viewing has been used to learn about UFOs and other so-called "anomalous" targets including the military/Stanford Research Institute RV era, post-military civilian projects, and UFO crash retrievals. Much of this is "exploratory research" where we attempt to identify some of the essential elements of what we're dealing with. Some of the people asking questions at the end, including Russ Targ, didn't quite get this as they suggest that remote viewing, in the absence of randomized, "double-blind" protocols might "just" be a form of mind-reading. Just mind-reading? Well, if the viewers can read my mind they can just as easily go to the target site for themselves. This type of reasoning attempts to explain away one type of admittedly "weird" psychic phenomena with another type of equally weird psychic process. How does "mind-reading" work exactly anyway and is it all that different from RV? It's all resonance to me!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
More crop pictures
Thanks to pilot Dai Dobbs and Peter Sorensen for these latest pictures:
Weyland Smithy
Barbury Castle (early June)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Latest Crop Pictures--UK 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
More Device Failures in Crop Circles--GPS Device Fails at Fyfield Down, 1999/Camera Failure in East Field, 2007

As discussed in Opening Minds, here is a clip of a GPS device failing as the owner entered the Fyfield Down formation in 1999. The device had 14 hours of battery life before its owner came into the crop formation. The batteries drained within a few minutes when inside the formation. Also affected a few minutes before, were my Trek electrostatic meter, which lost all power, and a friend's camcorder which would no longer record. Thus, a total of three devices seemed to strangely malfunction within the space of a few minutes.
In the following video, an Australian tourist's camera stops working inside the East Field "OM" Formation in 2007. This is a phenomenon I have witnessed many times while visiting these formations. Yet every time it happens, it reignites my fascination with the subject.

East Field "Om" Formation, 2007
Monday, July 21, 2008
More crop circle weirdness

Over the past several years, we've seen a small but consistent amount of malfunctions in our cameras and electronic equipment when we go into crop circles during our tour in England. It's happened to camcorders, measuring devices, and laptops. This year was no exception. The first video shows Dan, an electrical engineer and one of the tour participants, explaining how his electronic compass failed in the Ridgeway formation. This happened on July 14th, 2008. The compass recovered about one hour later and worked fine for the rest of the tour. But for most of the time in the formation, it would not find true North and had North and South only ninety degrees apart, instead of one-hundred and eighty.
The second video shows Dan measuring the wavy looking Westwoods formation with our electrostatic meter. While filming him, my Sony camera starts blurring and then refocusing, as if it can't lock onto the objects in its field of view with the auto-focus feature. It's never done that before, anywhere. A few minutes later it was fine and remained so for the rest of the tour.
Once again, crop formations are creating mysterious effects on our equipment. These anomalies don't happen everyday, but at the same time, I've never seen them happen anywhere but in crop formations. And that goes for most people whom I've talked to who have experienced the same, strange phenomena.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Crop Circles of 2008
They're back! New crop patterns of mind-blowing size and sophistication are appearing in England and other countries as well. Keep up with the latest photos, stories, and rumors at the Crop Circle Connector. (scroll down a bit to see the photos.)This year's formations are quite an eclectic lot with quality, classic designs and motifs appearing early in the season. If this is any indication, it promises to be a banner year for crop circles. See them all at the above link. Enjoy!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Crop Circles of Google Earth
This neat music video shows crop circles, mostly from England, from various years, all put together for you in a Google Earth tour. As Google updates it's images at varying times, some of these circle photos are as old as ten years, and some are younger. Here they all appear together in one montage. Enjoy!
(To watch in a higher quality display mode go to the original URL,
http://youtube.com/watch?v=-C-_Nr4kJcg and select "watch in high
quality" right below the display window.)
(And don't forget to visit CropCircles.org to see these types of formations close up and personal on our English crop circle tour in July.)
(To watch in a higher quality display mode go to the original URL,
http://youtube.com/watch?v=-C-_Nr4kJcg and select "watch in high
quality" right below the display window.)
(And don't forget to visit CropCircles.org to see these types of formations close up and personal on our English crop circle tour in July.)
Friday, May 2, 2008
Earth Cinema Circle--Access Your Planetary Intelligence through Film

If you are looking for movies that enhance your environmental awareness and sense of wonder about our planet, check out the Earth Cinema Circle. This bi-monthly DVD club embodies the idea of planetary intelligence. They screen thousands of environmental movies every year and send you the best of them every other month. The films have wide-ranging themes from building homes from garbage and conservation, to celebrations of the diversity and magnitude of our Earth's natural beauty.
I like the whole concept behind this club as it increases our awareness of the connections between ourselves and all the different aspects of our universe. I'd feel better if they offered a free or low-cost trial month, but until then you can see free previews of these films at their website.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
UFO Hunters on History Channel
I've been enjoying History Channel's new show "UFO Hunters" for some weeks now, shown on Wednesday nights. The program displays a blend of openmindedness and skepticism that is unusual for television shows. We've had our share of UFO shows that start out with fresh information in the first part of the show only to debunk that same information in the second half. But UFO Hunters is different. Headed up by Bill Byrnes of UFO Magazine, the show features a cast of believers and skeptics who go to different locations around the world each week to research past and present UFO mysteries. You'll never know exactly what they'll find in the various locales they visit, and in some cases, like the Rendelsham Forest/Bentwaters case in England in 1981, they found new eye-witnesses who contributed valuable information. My favorite part of the show is when they attempt to recreate weird effects experienced near UFO encounters with experiments producer Jon Tindle. In one case they were able to stop an engine in the lab with a strong, directed magnetic field duplicating the experience of UFOs affecting aircraft and car engines. In another, they temporarily disabled a personal computer with a blast from a Tesla field coil, showing how a UFO could theoretically disarm the control panel of a fighter aircraft. Some of the more interesting cases they have looked at include Catalina Island in 1980, Iran in 1976, and the recent Stephenville, TX sightings last January. The History Channel is to be commended for putting together such a fresh, educational, and fascinating TV show.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Opening Minds Interview -- 48 Update
Here's an interview with 48 Update, a public access channel show in Philadelphia, that first aired in 2003. The host, Katharine Pew, asks about the ideas I discuss in Opening Minds and to introduce the ideas of remote viewing, crop circles, and other topics covered in the book. She did a great job with the interview especially given that these concepts were mostly brand new to her.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Fox News Clip on Crop Circles
The media can often put out disastrously incomplete information about alternative science topics. In this case though, Fox News did a good job covering the weirdness and beauty of crop circles. This was originally broadcast in 2001. (The volume is a little low here so turn up your speakers.)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Stephenville, TX UFO Sightings--See Video and Hear the Eyewitnesses
The recent UFO sitings in Stephenville, TX and surrounding areas caused quite a stir and drew some media attention. Witnesses described seeing a very large craft, as large as one mile across, smaller lights, and jets in hot pursuit. The Air Force offers no explanation except to say that they had 10 F-16s in the area that night. But they didn't say anything about the very large object. What the videos below show us is that the sitings have been happening for weeks. What we see from video tape is one of objects that rapidly moves and loops around in the sky. Could this filmed object be an experimental military vehicle? Sure, but what about the very large object that blocked out stars, according to witnesses, moved rapidly, as fast as thousands of miles and hour, and then came to a complete stop over the area before zipping away? Perhaps our test vehicles drew the unexpected attention of other visitors.
UFO Series Part 1 | KIII TV3 | Local News
UFO Series Part 2 | KIII TV3 | Local News
UFO Series Part 3 | KIII TV3 | Local News
UFO Series Part 1 | KIII TV3 | Local News
UFO Series Part 2 | KIII TV3 | Local News
UFO Series Part 3 | KIII TV3 | Local News
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